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Double Deep Dark Desires: A Mafia MFM Menage Romance Read online

Page 11

  She trotted to it, taking a few coins out of her pocket.

  “Come on, Beast! You think I can take on the Zombie Outbreak on my own? I mean, it’s the fourth, for chrissakes, I need help!”

  Beast laughed, she knew him better than he knew himself. Of course he wanted to play, but he’d been holding back on so many things his first response to everything was “no.”

  Except with her.

  It only took him a second to know: when he saw her, he knew she would change his life. That’s why he wanted to look away, to turn back and run.

  But it was too late now.

  Thank God.

  “Come on!” She yelled at him, the game already starting.

  “Just press the trigger,” she said and that was it, he was playing. The instructions on the screen were clear: one, shoot at everything that moves; and two, reload by pumping the shotgun.

  The first minute of gameplaywas easy, almost like training.

  “Shoot them in the head,” she said, “you take them out faster that way.”


  The next wave was a bit harder. There were a lot of them. Their characters ran into a huge building, “Virex Labs” it read.

  “You know things will go wrong when you name your lab like that,” she said, then pumped her shotgun.

  She was good at this, mowing the enemies down one after the other. A couple of big butchers came out, still in full costume, as if they died in the middle of work.

  The fuckers started throwing meat cleavers at them. She shot at them and saved their asses. Beast was doing his best but this required much more skill than he thought, things on the screen were incredibly chaotic, a million things flying out to them, zombies trying to bite them, even freaking green leeches the size of a dog jumped at the screen.

  Damn, she was good at this.

  “Come on Beast, I need you to step up your game!”

  She was committed. She was going to take out these motherfuckers whatever it took.

  Beast started laughing. It was so awesome, he was getting into it, too. The screen was half full of pixelated blood. The things came at them faster than ever, and suddenly, they were done. No more enemies on the corridor they were walking on.

  “Are you ready?” She asked, elbowing him.

  “For what?”

  “I don’t know, this can’t be it, right?”

  A giant, one-eyed squid burst out from beneath their feet. Jena was shooting at it and pumping the shotgun so fast she might as well have been using a machine gun.

  Beast started laughing again, louder this time, she was so focused and he was the complete opposite, his attention entirely on her.

  And the damn squid is fucking immortal!

  She kept shooting at it in the eye, the screen flashed red again, were about to die, apparently.

  The health bar at the top of the screen was red, too, just a few more shots and they would beat the boss.

  “Come on, Beast!” She yelled, her hands moving fast, her aim spotless.

  Beast couldn’t go on, it was too freaking funny, everything about it was incredible, this was a side of her he never knew.

  “Stop laughing you dork!” She yelled, pushing him to the side.

  “I got this!” he said and pressed the trigger. That was it, the last shot. He hit the monster right in the center of its bulging eye. It made a jerking motion, moving left and right, destroying what was left of the lab. Their characters ran away and got into a boat.

  “A boat, seriously?” Jena said, “What’s a boat doing there? They don’t make these games like they used to.”

  Their score came up on the screen. She got double his points, her grade was “SSS+.”

  Beast’s was B.

  “Hey, I beat you.”

  “What?” She asked, incredulous.

  “You got an S, see?”

  “Beast, S is better than A+, triple S plus is like, the best.”

  “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  “It’s a Japanese kind of thing.”

  “Oh, really, how do you know?”

  “I had to save your ass like a dozen times, and look at the score, mine nearly doubles yours! Come on!”

  The game started again, next level. They aimed at the screen. They were in a river, no health.

  Something like eight piranhas jumped out at them at the same time. She managed to take out five of them, his aim wasn’t so good, he only killed two.

  They died.

  “Oh, damn, what a cheap shot!” She said.

  “I know!” He yelled, there was no freaking way they could avoid that damage.

  She put the shotgun on the holster. The word “Continue?” Flashed on the screen, a countdown timer filled with blood as time ran out.

  “Are you guys done?” Mills asked, behind them, he carried a tray full of all kinds of food.

  “Yeah, do you want to play?” She asked him.

  “No, I’m good. Besides, I couldn’t ever be as good as you are.”

  “I’m not good, I just look good next to Beast.”

  Mills laughed, “roasted you again, bro.”

  Beast smiled, “don’t put yourself down, you’re a pro. Have you played this game before?”

  “I’m just good with a shotgun,” she said, winking at them.

  This girl will be my end.

  He loved everything about her.

  “You bought the whole store, Mills!” She said, grabbing a handful of popcorn.

  “Just enough to enjoy the film.”

  Beast had seen people do this. Back when he was poor, he dreamed about doing this very thing. Go see a movie with your family, eat some popcorn, enjoy the evening.

  It dawned on him that he had never felt so good, ever, in his life.

  It was true, what they said. It’s the little things that count. Not huge houses, or loads of money in the bank, or even travelling to far away places.

  It was going to the movies with the people you care about in a chilly afternoon.

  He was grateful for this, all of this.

  “Come on, Beast,” she said, taking his hand, “the movie’s about to start.”

  He was supposed to be a killer, a gangster, ready to die at any moment. But this made everything different.

  He wanted to be with her, forever.

  For her sake, you better don’t.

  Her warm hand held tight to his own. Just thinking about walking away from her was hard.

  God damn it.

  For the first time in his life, he was in love.

  Chapter 21


  The theater was empty. They picked their seats on the upper half of the room, right on the center.

  A few minutes later, an elderly couple arrived, sitting on the fifth or sixth row, very close to the screen.

  “They look so cute,” Jena said, “going on a movie date like that.”

  The boys nodded, wolfing down junk food as if they didn’t just have lunch thirty minutes ago.

  The movie started, and before the twenty-minute mark, she knew how it was going to end, it was so full of clichés and bad acting… everyone seemed to be just phoning it in.

  Oh damn. I hope they don’t hate me for choosing them this.

  The heroine felt so fake, every freaking decision she made was dumb. No one in their right minds would want to “solve the mystery” of who killed a stranger.

  You tell the captain to go to harbor and call the cops.

  She rolled her eyes. Maybe she would enjoy it more if the boys didn’t need to like it.

  But they don’t need to like it. You didn’t know the movie was going to suck.

  They would understand.

  “We could leave if you want to,” she whispered to them.

  “What, why?” Mills asked.

  “If you don’t like the movie, it’s okay, we don’t have to stay.”

  “Do you want to leave?” Beast asked.

  “No, it’s just—”

  “Let’s stay then, I like it.”

  She was now pressuring them to leave because she didn’t like the film and she was worried they weren’t going to like it.

  Chill out, Jena, it’s just a movie.

  The hero got in a room with the heroine. She thought the killer was going to get her but it turned out it was him. He suspected some people, she suspected others, anyone could be the killer. Including them, apparently.

  Then they started kissing and the guy took off his shirt. He was Hollywood handsome: six pack, not a single hair on his body, perfectly good looking.

  Jena used to think that was perfection. But after these two guys, holy hell, the actor in the movie seemed like a boy, not a man, and his body was okay, not you-want-it-so-bad-you-wanna-bite-it incredible.

  She chuckled. She was luckier than the freaking girl in the movie.

  The man took the heroines shirt off.

  “She’s cute,” she whispered.

  Why did she say it? Why was it so awkward for her to watch a scene like that with her men?

  My men. What am I thinking?

  “Not as cute as you are,” Mills said, and pecked her on the cheek.

  Beast placed his hand on her thigh, his skin against the fabric of her jeans felt ruggedly hot.

  Focus on the movie.

  Mills did the same, on her other side, and kissed her cheek again. Oh God, Jena, focus on the movie.

  Being touched by them was more than she could handle. Her mind unraveled, remembering everything they’d done. She was now doing the math in her head, counting how long it would take them to get back home, make love and then get dressed again to go wherever they had to go.

  A cold shiver ran down her spine.

  Don’t think about that, not now.

  She’d made an effort to forget about the dangerous job they had to do. She put it aside and focused on enjoying the afternoon.

  That’s all she could do, she wasn’t going to be a pain in the ass, sharing how she felt. She knew what she was getting into when she started doing this.

  No, I didn’t.

  The heroes in the screen started having sex. It was good, passionate and all, but nothing like—

  Beast caressed her leg very slowly, from her knee to up her thigh. His touch made every hair in her body bristle.

  The moans in the screen filled the room, suddenly the scene changed to a shadow, someone was looking at them. The killer, probably.

  It didn’t matter anymore; her attention was on her men. Mills came closer, she though he was going to kiss her on the cheek for a third time but he didn’t.

  He placed his lips on the side of her neck and her whole body broke out with goose bumps.

  “You’re right,” he whispered, “we could do other things instead of watching the movie.”

  Jena turned to him and met his lips, Beast scratched her thigh, sending brief flashes of delicious agony through her body.

  Mills kissed her slowly, his inner fury held back for an instant, enjoying the moment as much as he could. He took her to new heights; her heart beat faster and faster, as if this was their first kiss.

  This one is even better.

  They knew each other now. They knew each other very well. Every turn they made, every soft bite on her lips. It made her want him even more.

  Beast pulled her leg to him, making her spread them little by little, the feeling of being exposed here in a theater was a mixture of fear and excitement.

  She couldn’t make any noise, she didn’t want to ruin the experience.

  This was so much more than she had ever wanted. She never thought she would like doing it like this.

  Making out at the movies. We’re such a cliché.

  She was getting embarrassingly wet, the touch of Beast, the feeling of her juices dampening her —completely new, by the way— underwear…

  She moaned, pulling away from Mills, trying to quiet down. She could barely see her men in the twilight of the theater, but their eyes were hard to miss. She knew what they were planning, and there was no escape.

  “Be quiet,” Beast told her, his hand going up to her neck, “or we’ll make you suffer even more.”

  She nodded. She didn’t want to scream in pleasure in here. It would be so embarrassing. She had to learn to control herself, to keep it down.

  Beast gave her a quick kiss on the lips, then pushed her back into her seat. The next moment he grabbed her shirt and pulled violently, ripping her newly bought flannel shirt in two.

  She was exposed in there, in the darkness of the movie theater, her breasts out, held back by a sexy black laced bra that she wasn’t planning in showing them until later tonight.

  “Sorry baby,” Beast whispered, “I just have to do this.”

  He held an end of her shirt, Mills grabbed the other one and together they ripped it in two, her torso completely exposed.

  In any other situation, she would have yelled in embarrassment, even thinking about it would have made her blush. But she was a slave to her emotions, she couldn’t hold back, seeing them wanting her this bad made her even crazier.

  Beast kissed her again, his hands travelling from her neck to her breasts, down to her belly and legs. Mills did the same. She was enraptured by these two gangsters, their mouth on her skin, every sensation an explosion of ecstasy running wild through her body.

  She started moaning but Mills covered her mouth.

  “Are you going to be a good girl?” He asked.

  She looked at him, his green eyes glinting in the dark like a vicious predator.

  She was the prey, of course, and as usual she knew she would be theirs.

  The elderly couple sharing the theater with them was enthralled by the film. So far, they were safe.

  Four hands caressed her body, two men kissed her neck, biting it, going to her shoulders, arms, breasts… their manhood still in their pants, ready, always ready for her.

  “It’s your fault,” Beast said, “you make us do things like this.”

  “No,” she whispered back.

  “No?” He asked, “you’re lying to me? I’m going to make you pay.”

  Beast unzipped his pants and let her see what he had. His steel hard cock throbbed with how much she turned him on.

  “God,” she blurted out, without even wanting to.

  He was so. Freaking. Big. She couldn’t believe she had had that thing inside of her, how she wanted it again.

  She craved it. Them. Their moans close to her ears, always wanting more, never getting tired of her, exploring new sensations and experiences.

  Beast grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her down.

  At first she thought he wanted her to taste him. To suck him off. But he was much more patient than she was.

  He laid her on his lap, facing down, what is he doing?

  Mills pulled her legs up and sat next to Beast, undoing her pants in an instant, pulling them down just above her knees.

  She wore the perfect black panties, the perfect match to her bra, she figured she could model the outfit to her men later that evening, but things didn’t go as planned.

  “My God you’re beautiful,” Mills said caressing her her back and waist, grazing her ass.

  “But you’ve been bad,” Beast finished and spanked her hard.

  She yelled, imeediately putting her hands on her mouth, remembering to keep it down.

  The sound of the spank she just received, and the burning pain that followed turned her on even harder.

  “I told you, you’re going to pay,” Beast whispered, and the next second spanked her again.

  The sound of it got lost amidst the noises of the movie, where an action scene was taking place.

  She could no longer see the other people at the theater, and hoped to God that they couldn’t see her either.

  Not that it mattered. Even if they did, she couldn’t just stop, and she knew her men couldn’t either. They were risking everything here.

  “Jena, you naughty girl
,” Mills said, “look at how wet you are.”

  She bit her lip, she was soaked in her juices, dripping down on Mills’ lap. How could she be turned on like this so soon?

  Mills words were like a trigger, opening the gates of her lust wide open.

  Mills scratched her thighs, the feeling of Beast’s cock on her breasts was beginning to take a toll on her sanity.

  “More…” she whispered, and felt both of her men get harder.

  “Beast spanked her again, and this time the sound of it overcame every other noise in the theater. The flashing pain made her yell, but she pressed her mouth against Beast’s thigh, biting him hard, trying to hold back.

  Her dark haired man pulled her up, Mills moved aside. She was drunk with lust, wanting them more than ever. It was like her men could read her mind. They knew things about her she herself didn’t even know.

  She kissed Beast hard and deep, his tongue wrestled hers furiously, then pulled back, a string of saliva dangled from their lips, and turned to kiss Mills.

  Beast pulled her other leg up and took her pants off, then each of them placed her feet on the back of the front seat, she spread open really wide this time.

  Her juices flooded her panties, she was able to feel every drop of her desire sliding down her center to her ass.

  Beast and Mills, together, caressed her legs, and she had a sudden moment of clarity: her mound faced the big screen, its reflected light shining all over her naked body, beside her, two men touched her, their hot, rugged hands anxious to please her, the heart of their manhood ready to make her theirs.

  Her hands rushed to touch them, to hold their shafts in her palms, and the moment she did both of them moaned loudly. They couldn’t hold back, either. She smiled. Their cocks were sticky with pre-cum, every jerking motion she could feel her hands getting wetter and wetter.

  Beast grazed her center with the side of his palm, slightly opening her slit, then Mills joined him, both of them masturbating her slowly, letting her feel them.

  The electric feeling of an orgasm began to build up inside of her. She had been able to hold it back, to stay on top of the situation, but now she knew it wouldn’t take long before she was done.

  And she wouldn’t let them win.

  She jerked them harder now, and before she could understand what she was doing, she licked her own palms, tasting her men, both of them so different from each other, but so incredibly alike.